
Current Projects

With fundings

Space Security (SpaceINT)

: Providing Secure communication between Satellite and Ground stations

Signal Intelligence (SigINT)

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Crypto Intelligence (CryptINT)

General Cybersecurity

     : This is a program designed to allow graduate students in the field of information security in Korea to take classes and study at the University of Oxford in the UK. Each year, around 30 students are selected, and both living expenses and tuition fees are fully covered. Additionally, prior to departure, information security education is provided at Korea University’s Graduate School of Information Security to ensure that students can receive high-quality education at top universities in both Korea and the UK. We kindly ask for the support and interest of many students. 

** Anyone interested in conducting research in the above areas can apply to the School of Cybersecurity at Korea University and then contact our lab!  **

Without fundings (We are applying several grants at the moment for this.)

New Paradigm of steganography and stegananalysis

Comparative study for cybersecurity in worldwide view

Open Source Intelligence

Analysis of PQC algorithms

Past Projects

Space Security (SpaceINT)

Signal Intelligence (SigINT)

: Research on statistical side channel analysis to find hidden keys in crypto systems.

: Research on how to detect abnormal behaviour in SCADA system by using electromagnetic waves.

Crypto Intelligence (CryptINT)

     : Research on Designing several statistics functions using Homomorphiic Encryption 

: Research on how to make homomorphic encryption be practical.

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Exploration of Next-Generation Cyber Intelligence Collection Capabilities (Agency for Defense Development 2017.4~2017.8)

Research on Regional Demand Forecasting Models through Big Data Analysis  (KEPCO, 2016.6~2017.4)

Research on Big Data-Based Malware Analysis Platform , (Funded by IITP, 2016.4~2016.12)

Consulting on the Implementation Plan for FDS/eFDS in the Financial Sector  (KB Card 2016.7~2016.12)

Design and development of anomaly detection systems using BigData Analysis for cyber security (Funded by National Research Foundation: 2013.6.1~2016.5.31, Korea National Research)

Extraction of the Correlation Between Weather Disasters and Distribution Equipment Failures and Modeling of Distribution Equipment Failure Prediction  (Funded by "Korea Meteorological Administration : 2015.11~2016.2)

Investigation of Cyber Crime using Open Source Intelligence(OSINT) (Funded by Cyber Safety Bureau, National Police Agency , 2015.5.~2015.10)

Search for criminals from social networks (Funded by Supreme Prosecutors' Office )

Preliminary Study for Building a Crime Prevention System Using Crime Big Data (II) - Technological Changes and Development Directions of Crime Prevention Systems Using Big Data: Challenges and Solutions for Database Integration of Law Enforcement Agencies in Big Data Analysis  (Funded by KICJ)

Research on Biomedical Data Protection Technology  ( 2014. 12.~2015. 5., Funded by Theragen)  - Compression and Encryption for analyzing genome sequences

Analysis and understanding politics in National Assembly , Research on Digital Policy, Published in April 2014 (Evaluation of Legislative Activities of the 17th, 18th, and 19th National Assembly Members of the Republic of Korea and a Comparative Study of Individual Members' Performance) 

Malware embedded software behavior analysis for androids  (Funded by KCA, 2013.7.1~2013.11.31)

Military Intelligence (MilINT)

Research on Cyber Warfare Battlefield Network Information Collection Technology  (LIGNex1 2016. 10.~2017. 12)

Research on Network Modeling and Impact Assessment of Damage  (Agency for Defense Development 2016.7.~2017.7)

Research on Defense Information Security for Future Warfare (National Defense University , 2016.10 ~ 2016.12)

General Cybersecurity

Advanced Security Technology Research for Internet of Things (IoT) Environments: Korea-New Zealand International Collaborative Research (Korea National Research Foundation , 2018-2021.02.19)

Research on Software Modification Impact Analysis and Process Monitoring/Evaluation Models  (KEPCO, 2016.09.29 ~ 2017.09.28)

ITRC (Funded by Ministry of Future Creation and Science : 2014.4.1~2016.4.30)

Research of the trend of Cyber Physical System (Funded by KISA)